Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Blogging Orewon the Liberal

I've been chatting back and forth with a seemingly bright guy, though liberal, that goes by the name "Orewon" here in the blogosphere. He currently has a post that explains his disdain for intelligent design being taught in the classroom. I would like to invite my fellow minions and friends from the KP site to visit and give some help to this wayward soul. I would love to read your comments there.

I posted this today on his site challenging his comments on evolution:

Obviously you have made your choice and I am truly and compassionately sorry for you. I hope one day you consider that you are blindly putting YOUR FAITH in the works of men that have proved nothing other than that somewhere in their lives they chose not to believe in God.

Evolution is nothing but a pathetic and desperate attempt by atheists to seek out a justification for rejecting that ubiquitous characteristic that every culture in history has expressed by seeking God. And Orewon, just where do you think that characteristic came from? Just what in the evolutionary cycle favored survival among early humans who sought God? Isn't it amazing that it is universal and yet not "designed" into the human psyche?

You are a smart guy. Life has a way of softening hearts. Maybe it will hit you in your fifties. I try to remember to pray for you... I'll try harder.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reference to this site. I read through most of it. Frankly, I find myself saddened by it. However, in all honesty (and with no offense meant to orewan and his occassional anonymous poster), I have to admit to being somewhat amused by the predictability of the arguments made, among other things.

I certainly applaud your efforts to engage him in rational debate. Unfortunately, I am not sure that I have the energy for joining you in those efforts. This is clearly a person who has made up his mind and appears uninterested in rational debate of the issues (or at least appears unwilling to be open to persuasion that his views are incorrect). We are, after all, only "religious fundamentalists with a simple-minded perverted view of morality." Of course, one wonders what his view of morality is and whether any rational person would view it as anything but "perverted" when carried to its logical conclusions.

As one example of close-mindedness, I cite the fact that his posts on evolution ignore the large number of biologists, physicists, astronomers, geolgists and other highly-qualified scientists who are proponents of Intelligent Design (e.g. Behe, Nelson, Sarfati, just to name a very few). His reaction to why "real scientists" shouldn't give these people the time of day is apparently that "Intelligent Design is an abyss that needs to be filled with something before most scientists even deem it worthy of refuting." What a great argument that is: your view of the evidence disagrees with mine, so I don't deem you worthy of debating.

Unfortunately, orewan causes me to recall the Parable of the Sower. Much like the seed that falls along the path and is eaten by the birds, I fear that efforts to persuade him of the errors in his thinking will only fall on deaf ears.

I don't want to discourage your continued attempts at persuasion, but I would also remind you that we all have but so much seed to sow. At some point we have to move on to those who are more receptive. As for orewan, I will join you in praying for him and his family, as that will ultimately be more effective than any attempts at political persuasion: the Cross can do what politics can't.

Malott said...

Andrew, my simple minded friend...
I appreciate your thoughts on the matter or Orewon. I would add to what you said that old age and often simply coming to terms with your mortality often stirs that longing that was first placed in Adam's heart. Orewon is probably young and thinks life is long. He obviously thinks his life is his.

In Christians I think getting older helps us to understand submission... temper our righteous anger... and love these characters around us. (There are things about getting old that I don't like, but it comes with much good.)

I can see you've done some research in the area of intelligent design. Did you come across "irreducible complexity?" Anyway, you make a great point about ignoring qualified men of science who support I.D. Prejudice on the Left, my my.

And as far as the parable of the sower is concerned... I figure I've got seed in places I haven't even found yet. And the sower gets paid the same no matter how good he is at hitting the most fertile spots. I guess the truth is we never know all the benefits and fruits that come with putting on Christ and confessing Him.

Thanks again, buddy.