Saturday, December 28, 2013

If It Walks Like a Duck

We've all heard the media clobbering Phil Robertson by saying he made ant-gay comments in an interview with GQ.

Christians know this is a lie.

Phil didn't make anti-gay comments, but rather talked about what the Bible calls sin.

We've all heard gay activists say they want Phil fired for being ignorant and hateful.

Christians know this isn't what they really want.

Gay activists want Christians punished when they talk about what the Bible says about homosexuality... They want Christians censored like they are in Canada.

Phil was brave and spoke out against sin. 

The media was cowardly and didn't admit what they really believe... That the Bible has No Authority to define sin... That it hasn't the Authority to suggest how we should live.



Jacob Leigh said...

I suppose if he stood up and defended stoning non-virgins on their wedding night or insisted that children who curse their parents should be stoned to death (as sanctioned in the Bible), that would equally be a free exercise of his Biblical faith?

Please have a read of this because I think you're missing some of the most salient points about this whole thing (his racist comments in particular, which I think are much, MUCH worse than his homophobic comments).

Malott said...


I don't know what Robertson's black friends were like, but both poor whites and blacks were surely happier when their families were intact and their most immediate influence was their church - and not the present pop culture.

And, I don't understand the punishments for sin in the Old Testament any more than you do.

The New Testament states that people involved in unrepentant sexual sin, be it homosexual or heterosexual, do not enter Heaven. Robertson believes the Bible was written by God, so he sticks his neck out and conveys its warnings... A brave act of Christian love, presented in crude, redneck terms.

Saved people don't care what you, I, or the rest of the world think... Saved people aren't interested in human wisdom... God is beyond our little sense of human justice... good and evil. We are His creation and our lives are not about our human preferences. It's His world and He calls the shots.

Grammy said...

As a contemporary of Phil, I would like to weigh in on his race comments. I know exactly what he meant and it was NOT racist. Our generation established racial integration - equal rights under the law. Integration was a huge accomplishment. It leveled the legal playing field and it actually changed a lot of hearts and there were real gains in black entering the middle class. Black families were very strong back then. What followed was the push on the part of blacks for a separate but equal cultural identity - they wanted to be African-Americans. I don't think it's a bad thing to want to honor your heritage, but it's gone way beyond that. When people separate themselves culturally, they voluntarily put up barriers and that set hearts back toward racism. I KNOW that black s and whites are more racist toward each other now than they were on the crest of integration back in the 1960's and 70's.
In the beginning, America was known as a melting pot - a place where people could come from all over to join in the prosperity of a common culture. It is hard to build up an equal reality. Everyone who came to Ellis Island and walked up the Stairs of Separation experienced that difficulty, but the possibility of achieving the dream was there for them. I'm sure it was even harder for the people who were brought here against their will in slavery. And so we established Affirmative Action programs. We could debate endlessly about the impact of affirmative action, but something led black Americans to drift away from the traditional family that had been very much a part of their lives - father as provider, mother as nurturer and children as adult-respecting dependents. I think it was affirmative action. Poverty among blacks has persisted because they have a predominantly matriarchal society that dooms women and children to poverty. Black men get an even better deal...poverty + marginalization. What a deal!
All I know is that I am not a racist, and neither is Phil. We just know that what we have seen is a deterioration in race relations since the crest of integration and that blacks have suffered more since then, not less, due to the deterioration of the traditional family.

Malott said...

Grammy, you wrote:
"What followed was the push on the part of blacks for a separate but equal cultural identity..."

What made blacks want to keep the wall up? Was their previous identity something they were comfortable with... something that gave them pride?

The new law definitely removed an excuse for failure.