Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why My Life is Better Than Yours
Reason #6

Today I've been picking, washing, and blanching spinach and kale. Soon these freezer bags will be in my freezer patiently awaiting this winter's tuna casserole and macaroni and cheese dinners.

Before my greens are done, I hope to have at least 40 bags in the freezer.

I hope this brief look at my fabulous existence has brought a moment of sunlight to your dark little world. I hope it adds a scintilla of wonder to your pointless life.



Bekah said...

I am truly impressed. I haven't cooked in weeks and this might just inspire me to jump back into it. Maybe with chocolate though.

SkyePuppy said...

Thank you for scintillizing my pointlessness. My frozen spinach is in boxes.

Christina said...

Very impressive indeed.

I'm actually attempting to grow some veggies (and fruit) this year too. I decided to try planting three bell pepper plants (red, yellow and orange) and one strawberry plant. I did mine in containers though. I don't need any more gardens to weed!

I'll let you know how it goes. So far, they've survived for three whole days!

Tsofah said...

Ever think about letting some of your buddies purchase some of that off of you? (smile)