Friday, July 14, 2006

Jacques Chirac on Middle East "Fairness"

Chirac says:
"One may well ask if there isn't today a kind of wish to destroy Lebanon -- its infrastructure, its roads, its communications, its energy, its airport. And for what?

"I find honestly -- as all Europeans do -- that the current reactions are totally disproportionate," he said in a live television interview on France's national Bastille Day.

I suppose the "disproportionate" response is due to the fact that Israel has better weapons and better trained soldiers. Chirac thinks that Israel should only respond to the bombing that originates in Lebanon with force no greater than that which the terrorists are able to muster. Anything else just wouldn't be fair to the terrorists.

I'm not sure that the French leader is being hypocritical, because it is quite possible that if the French were being bombed by a lesser power, Jacques Chirac might very well respond only in like manner. That is why France is in the shape it's in.

But to the Israelis it just doesn't make sense to sacrifice its citizens to "fairness" when they have the power to bomb the living crap out of those who mean them harm. Go figure.

The recommendation that the Israelis should act proportionately condemns Israel to a perpetual state of siege by its neighbors. And while that may be good for France, the world economy, and the status quo, it is ridiculous to expect the Israelis to live that way... Because that is no way to live.


All_I_Can_Stands said...

I guess he thinks two lives are not worth making such a serious statement over. I guess they should have thrown a few rocks at them according to Chicac.

SkyePuppy said...

Chirac doesn't know the meaning of "disproportionate."

Israel is showing restraint. Their strikes are targeted at places that will prevent Iran and Syria from resupplying Hezbollah with weapons. The airport runway but not the airport terminal. The ports. Major supply roads. Hezbollah "government" buildings.

Chirac is a .... Words fail me. The words that are nice enough to use don't fit. The words that fit aren't nice. I'll settle for "Chirac is a dope," but that's not the right word.

janice said...

Chirac should deploy french soldiers to fight with the terrorist. Would it be a fair fight then? They're already offering material support by condemning Israel.
They're just the same french cowards they were during WWII.

Malott said...

As a Franco-American am I deeply ashamed of my people? Mais oui.

It truly is amazing what some in the world expect Israel to put up with. Surely Jew-haters no longer exist in Europe. Hmm?