Thursday, July 13, 2006

Heck's Campaign Advice for Rudy

Yesterday on the Peter Heck Show, Mr Heck addressed the problem Rudy Giuliani will have with conservative and Evangelical voters as he runs for the presidential nomination in 2008. Mayor Giuliani is on record as being pro-choice, pro gun-control, pro gay-rights... all of which is a very tough sell to those who hold the opposite opinions on these issues. Heck suggested that Giuliani must pledge to nominate strict constructionists, lately called conservatives, to the Supreme Court.

Heck feels that with the former mayor's gravitas on security issues and crime, this social liberal might garner conservative votes if he can reassure concerning judicial nominations.

I agree with Mr Heck, but I would advise Giuliani to take a step further that might insure him the nomination. I believe Giuliani can be openly liberal on social issues and secure the conservative and Evangelical vote if he becomes an evangelist for judicial restraint. Instead of skirting these divisive social issues, he should be aggressively pro-active in explaining and embracing the concept that the people should decide for themselves what laws should govern the land.

Rudy should say:
"Its my belief that the current Supreme Court has made it its policy to usurp the constitutional authority of the state and federal legislatures. If elected I promise I will nominate to the Court judges like Rehnquist, Scalia, and Roberts who interpret the constitution, not establish their personal preferences as law. I will nominate strict constructionists to the Supreme Court because the people, through their elected representatives, should decide the laws of the land... not unelected judges."

He should be up-front and honest about his personal views, but should add that it's not the place of the President or the Judicial Branch to legislate social issues. And, he should name at least 10 lower court judges from which he will choose his nominations for the high court.

If Giuliani can effectively educate the public on the issue of judicial restraint, he will appeal to pro-choice women, independents, and Evangelicals... and he will do much to mute the hysterics that will no doubt come from the Left.

I've often said that you don't need to be pro-life to know that Roe was a power grab by the Supreme Court. You don't have to be a conservative to see the advantage of nominating a strict constructionist to the court. Giuliani knows that striking down Roe wouldn't outlaw abortion and if he can make the public understand this much-under-reported truth, he will broaden his appeal among many groups.

Now... if he adds to this a very tough stance on illegal immigration... that is in line with the wishes of most Americans... I believe this guy could march straight into the White House.

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