Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Obama Didst Love The Poor So Much That He Gave...

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave $10,772 of the $1.2 million they earned from 2000 through 2004 to charities, or less than 1 percent, according to tax returns for those years released today by his campaign....

How nice... And illustrative.

If only Obama was as generous with his own money... As he intends to be with mine.

I think of all those selfish, evil Christian Conservatives that give 10% and more.

But to be fair, perhaps Obama's spiritual advisor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, was too busy preaching Liberation Theology (Socialism) and racism to squeeze in the part about tithing...

1 comment:

Christina said...

Yes, I feel absolutely certain that Obama will feel entitled to far more than 10% of our money if he should become president. Yet heaven forbid he give much of anything to God's kingdom.

But then I do suspect you are correct, his pastor/mentor Mr. Wright probably doesn't have much time to talk about giving to God. He's too focused on what the "whites" have "taken" from the black people.

What a pathetic piddly amount to give to charity with all that money. They should be embarassed and ashamed.