Friday, April 04, 2008

Church of Oprah

I heard this on The Peter Heck Show.

Voltaire said that God created man in his own image, and then man returned the favor.

But obviously you first must reject Jesus... Which Oprah has done.

I'm not sure how much influence Oprah has. I know the Holy Spirit has more. And, I suspect the people who fall for this stuff would simply fall for something else if Oprah wasn't peddling it.

But Oprah definitely needs our prayers.

1 comment:

SkyePuppy said...

Oprah has been chasing New Age beliefs for a long time. Before this latest book, it was The Secret, and there were plenty more before that one.

It's sad that all her millions (or is it billions now) can't buy her the kind of true peace she's looking for, because all the "understanding" about the oneness of life will still leave her unsatisfied and seeking more.

Such a shame that one little word ("jealous") sent her running from her Christian faith, just because it wasn't explained well enough. God is jealous in the way that means He wants you to love Him most of all.