Thursday, April 10, 2008

History Rewritten... My Way

Vice Presidential Debate 1988

Lloyd Benson: “Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy.”

Dan Quayle: Senator, I am not a war hero, and in no way am I as talented a politician as John Kennedy. But I promise here tonight that if I should ever be serving in the Oval Office and the Soviet Union attempts to build another wall in Europe... I will not sit Idly by... I'll stop them. And if another group of American-backed Cuban freedom fighters challenges Castro... I will not forsake them and allow their slaughter... I'll support them to victory. And thereby - standing strong against communism at every turn - the Soviets will not assume weakness on our part and risk so bold a venture as placing missiles in Cuba or any other country in the western hemisphere... And we will avert the unnecessary threat and crisis of an imminent thermonuclear war.

And Senator Benson, my daily agenda at the White House will never include entertaining beautiful women unchaperoned.

So I concur, Senator... I'm no Jack Kennedy. And, I thank you.

It would have been sweet.


Anonymous said...

The boos would have drowned him out. The guy was not smart enough to hold his own in a debate, so he wasnt smart enough to be vice president. You Repubs should be honest enough to admit it.

Malott said...

When Quayle was my Senator, he always voted the way I would have voted... Which makes his judgement rather good, I think.

There are many ways to be smart. Go to any college campus and you'll find brilliant men who are distracted, and who express themselves awkwardly.

I'd prefer to be led by a politically awkward man who is right in his thinking, than a silver-tongued phony who is wrong on the issues of the day.

Anonymous said...

My professors were sometimes odd and distracted, but their brilliance shined through.

D.Q. had an entirely different kind of distraction.

Face it. He was dumb.

Tsofah said...


I like your present Senator, and wish HE were a VP candidate. SIGH.
Souder seems to be a great guy.