Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Black Female I Slept With

For eight wonderful years I slept with a black female named Helen. We were just friends. But though the relationship was platonic, this may be the only female that ever truly loved me.
Others have wanted me, but Helen loved me.
She wasn't biding her time until something better came along. She was committed.
Her commitment wasn't based on my performance or how much money I made. I wasn't her "gift machine." Just being with me made her happy.
She was eager to please and instantly forgave my mistakes.
My best girl.
I miss her.


Jacob said...


But slightly disturbed by the veiled bestiality subtext in this post.

janice said...

She's a beauty Chris.

Tsofah said...


what happened to her?

Having two dogs myself, I know how great they are as pets! Their unconditional affection is amazing.


janice said...

tsofah, this was posted on 12/06 about Helen.

Tsofah said...

Janice, thanks for the link.

Chris, I'm sorry for your loss.
You know, there are a dog pounds and rescue groups who have wonderful dogs in need of homes. I've had great results from two so far.

Just an idea!