Monday, March 17, 2008

Victim Obama

Obama suggested that more and more is being made of racial divisions as his contest with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton heats up.

"I noticed over the last several weeks that the forces of division have started to raise their ugly heads again. And I'm not here to cast blame or point fingers because everybody, you know, senses that there's been this shift," Obama said.

"It reminds me: We've got a tragic history when it comes to race in this country. We've got a lot of pent-up anger and bitterness and misunderstanding. ... This country wants to move beyond these kinds of things."

I wonder if this kind of whining will work against Al Qada and North Korea.


SkyePuppy said...

He's starting to sound like his dear, bus-thrown Rev. Wright.

We've got a lot of pent-up anger and bitterness and misunderstanding.

Maybe Obama can bottle all of that pent-up-ness and send it to fight Al Qaeda or North Korea or Iran when the time comes.

Tsofah said...


Or will he sit down and talk with them and join them in throwing the U.S. under that bus?

The possible scenarios are extremely scarey to ALL American's no matter if they are black, yellow, red, white, or any other color/race!

Obama does NOT have the experience needed, is too idealistic, is very gullible....
....or is smarter than all get out and knows how to play a lot of folks.