Thursday, March 13, 2008

Heart Cath in Brief:

1) Friday - Heart cath in Indy. I try to post "Will the Circle Be Unbroken," but it doesn't appear until Tuesday.

2) Tuesday - Another heart cath in Indy with the insertion of a stent.

3) Wednesday - On the trip home I'm driving my parent's car with Mom beside me and Dad in the back seat. Halfway between Kokomo and home, my mother loses her ability to speak. I rush her to a hospital in Kokomo where she slowly recovers her ability to express herself. A mini-stroke. They keep her overnight and run some tests.

4) Today I got her all the way home. She seems Ok, but a little overwhelmed.

I don't know what the Lord is doing. Maybe he is just getting her attention. Maybe He has made plans, and is polishing her up a bit. If he is getting ready to take her home, I pray He takes her gently.

When I was rushing my Mom to the hospital - their car travelling much faster than it's used to - I held Mom's hand and spoke comforting and encouraging words... Something I learned from her.


Bekah said...

Chris, you are very very good to your parents. I wish that this sort of care-taking came naturally to me, because my parents are not particularly far away from these same sorts of things that I read about with your parents. I'd venture to say I'm in the beginning stages of this time period with them. I don't know how to do it. But I very much admire the gentle spirit you have with your parents. A very good reminder to me of what I need to somehow figure out how to develop.

I will keep praying for your mom - she's a wonderful woman!

Tsofah said...

Oh Malott, surely G-d was with you and your parents during this time to give you presence of mind to go back to the hospital AND speak comfort to them.

I pray G-d will honor the way you honor your parents.

I also pray your mother will begin to improve, gaining strength daily.

Much love and prayers to all.

Jacob said...

Oh, Malott, if you try to look for a reason for your mother's mini-stroke beyond legitimate, reality-based medical reasons you will be really messing with yourself. Especially if something really bad happens to her. I'm saying this out of concern, not sarcasm, which usually seems to permeate my comments here.

Malott said...


I know the Lord and your parents are quite close. When the time comes, I know He will give their daughter everything she needs to comfort them. In rough times, a lot of grace gets poured out on everyone concerned.


Thanks. I appreciate your prayers.


I appreciate your sincere concerns. It's nice to meet that side of you.

janice said...

You're a good son, Chris.

I pray for her speedy recovery.

SkyePuppy said...

There's not much more I can add to what everyone else has said. Each day you have with your parents is a beautiful gift. And each day they have with you is a gift for them.

But I know you know that. Keeping all of you in prayer...