Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rick Warren Too Anti-Gay to Pray

Barack Obama’s choice of a prominent evangelical minister to deliver the invocation at his inauguration is a conciliatory gesture toward social conservatives who opposed him in November, but it is drawing fierce challenges from a gay rights movement that — in the wake of a gay marriage ban in California — is looking for a fight.

The editor of the Washington Blade, Kevin Naff, called the choice “Obama’s first big mistake.”

“His presence on the inauguration stand is a slap in the faces of the millions of GLBT voters who so enthusiastically supported him,” Naff wrote, referring to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people. “This tone-deafness to our concerns must not be tolerated. We have just endured eight years of endless assaults on our dignity and equality from a president beholden to bigoted conservative Christians. The election was supposed to have ended that era. It appears otherwise.”

Yeah, that's a shame. I'm giving even odds that Warren will get booed at the inauguration. I just wish he would pray something that would earn a good booing. He could pray for Obama's conversion to authentic Christianity. He could pray for the unborn. He could pray for all Gays to repent... That might do it! Hey! He surprised us at the Saddleback Debate when he asked Obama when the unborn deserved protection!

I had to look-up GLBT and ended up learning some new words:

Gynephilia: The romantic and/or sexual attraction to adult females. (I've had a bad case of this for about 45 years.)

Autogynephilia: Refers to "a man's paraphilic tendency to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman. (I never think about that... Though I'm sure I'd be hot.)

Apotemnophilia: The erotic interest in being or looking like an amputee. It should not be confused with acrotomophilia, which is the erotic interest in people who are amputees. When experienced very strongly, some people with apotemnophilia come to feel discontented with their bodies and want to actually remove an otherwise healthy limb, a condition called Body Integrity Identity Disorder. Some apotemnophiles seek surgeons to perform an amputation or purposefully injure a limb in order to force emergency medical amputation. (Dang! No, I need all my parts.)

There are some messed up people out there. After reading all that stuff I'm feeling pretty good about myself... It's good to be relatively normal.



Tsofah said...

Wow, Malott. When people wish to do severe harm such as lose an apendage, I wonder sometimes if there is such a thing as true "demon possession". At the very least, yes, these folks need some serious professional help. It's just sad.

Malott said...


Sad is the word. I have a friend that went through a period when she would cut herself. I know of another girl that compulsively pulled her hair out. Trichotillomania.


Grammy said...

I'm just glad such things have long obscure names that (until recently) I'd never heard of and, thankfully, won't be able to remember. Seriously, when you think about it, most of us roam around through life with our foibles pretty much written on our sleeves...gluttony, lust, selfishness, greed, etc. It must be a very lonely feeling to live with dark and unthinkable depravities that can only be uttered by such obsucre and clinical sounding words. Surely, healing begins with calling them what they are...depraved and destructive. It's not hypocrisy to admit that something we like is sin. That's the whole point of sin...liking the wrong things. Apparently there's no limit to how wrong the things we like can be. It doesn't help to try to convince anyone that they aren't wrong.

janice said...

I was going to make a snarky comment regarding the disorder associated with radical islam and their need to murder infidels.

After reading the comments here, I have to agree, it's just sad. Sad to have an altered reality and expect society accept it as normal, by threat of law or legislation. That too is sad.

SkyePuppy said...

The cutting and hair-pulling is heartbreaking. They're implicitly saying, "The pain I feel when I hurt myself is much less than the pain I feel inside."

It's beyond sad.

Christina said...

I think that perhaps the saddest part is that groups like the GLBT would rather just encourage all the harmful behaviors rather than have true compassion and help these poor people get better.

In an anything goes society, anything is acceptable and encouraged, even when it is obviously harmful. Truly sad.

Tsofah said...


Where are you? I miss your witicisms!