Saturday, August 09, 2008

I think, Therefore I am Created

I just watched Created Cosmos, A Creation Museum Planetarium Show.


I received it free from Fort for answering The Weekly Trivia Challenge correctly... In association with The Peter Heck Show.

My education leaves me a little more impressed with my own little universe of several trillion human cells, which allow me to reason and conclude that - there is no logical reason... No logical source... For the existence of an eternal, physical universe of matter and energy... Governed by physical laws... Measured in time... And I have to question the seeming reality of it all. It really makes no sense...

But for a Creator... That created time and physical space... Whose world is not limited by such physical and measured trappings.

So for a few moments... Before the world comes rushing in... I'll bathe my thoughts... Not in the mundane and little distractions that govern far too much of my life... But in the glory of a God who holds the universe and my pathetic little soul in His hands.

How fleeting these lucid moments are!

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