Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quote of the Day

"The business of exposing bias is a little bit like serving as a parole officer at a juvenile detention facility. The misdeeds seldom change, the miscreants seldom learn, but you still have to do your best to encourage good behavior. And you have to do it in such a way that you don't lose your temper or your mind." --Tony Snow


Tsofah said...

sniff, sniff....sob! I miss Tony Snow. It's just stinking unfair he beat cancer once and then it came back with a vengeance.

He was a great commentator. Tony held his own whether in a debate; or handling reporters during a White House briefing. He played a mean guitar and made the flute sing! Most of all, he was a great husband, wonderful father...and fantastic human being. We miss the richness of the person we know as Tony Snow.

<----bows head and steps off soapbox

SkyePuppy said...

I loved watching him as press secretary. I saw a clip last night on O'Reilly of Snow putting Helen Thomas in her place with humor and affection. What a man!