Friday, June 22, 2007

Fixing Talk Radio

Appearing on John Ziegler's evening show on KFI 640 AM in LA, U.S. Senator James Inhofe says he overheard Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) saying they want a "legislative fix" for talk radio.

As far as I can tell, Clinton and Boxer are not concerned with the Left-Wing bias of newspapers and network television and radio news. They just want to limit some kinds of speech.

Trent Lott, the guy that conservative talk radio defended (and rightly so) after his gaffed comments at the Strom Thurmond Party, has made similar statements.

The Senate Leadership in all their arrogant glory - both Republican and Democrat - can't stand the fact that the American public disapproves overwhelmingly of the Amnesty Bill. They wish we would go back to watching American Idol and let them run the country.

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, who has been under intense pressure from the White House and Republican leadership to support a sweeping immigration overhaul, nevertheless announced today that she will vote against reviving the legislation when it returns to the Senate floor next week.

I think we need to fix Congress... Not talk radio. Let's keep Inhofe, Hutchison, and a few others... Throw out the rest, and elect guys that want to go to Washington and represent... Us.


SkyePuppy said...

I keep trying to vote Barbara Boxer out of office, but somebody else keeps voting FOR her!

Malott said...


Find out who that somebody else is, and I'll write him a stern note.

janice said...

I'm happy to say, I no longer claim Dennis "burning river" Kucinich as my congressman since we moved to the most liberal part of the state.

All the older folks in Slavic Village kept voting for him because every election he told them the republican was going to take their SSI away. Really, the same commercials every election cycle.

Malott said...

Dennis is a national joke... It troubles me that he actually has supporters.